Il 5 dicembre 2018 ad Aahrus, cittadina danese capitale europea del volontariato 2018, il Centro Europeo del Volontariato ha proclamato ufficialmente Padova capitale europea del volontariato per il 2020.
Grande la soddisfazione sia per l’Amministrazione comunale che ha fortemente sostenuto questa candidatura sia per il Csv di Padova che l’ha proposta e preparata.
Da oggi inizia un nuovo percorso di avvicinamento al 2020 che coinvolgerà tutte le associazioni del territorio e le Istituzioni, oltre a connessioni a livello veneto, italiano ed europeo.
Le città che hanno finora ottenuto il titolo sono:
2014 Barcellona (Spagna)
2015 Lisbona (Portogallo)
2016 Londra (Gran Bretagna)
2017 Sligo (Irlanda)
2018 Aarhus (Danimarca)
2019 Kosice (Ungheria)
Feedback from the European Volunteering Capital 2020 Jury:
Padova shows specific and multiple examples of how the municipality supports and encourages volunteers from diverse groups and backgrounds, as well as a wide variety of volunteering organizations. It has a positive focus on how to contribute to the social inclusion and well-being of vulnerable groups through volunteering. Padova has an agreement to offer asylum seekers the chance to volunteer, which includes training and also shows a great organizational support of the European Solidarity Corps through the Youth Project’s Office. The Volunteer Centre, that they support, plays a key role in the implementation of volunteering projects, whether that be through funding, or providing space free of charge for volunteers who wish to carry out a program or project. Padova shows that supporting volunteering is not only done through financial support; providing the physical infrastructure is also important to create a good environment in the municipality. Offering volunteering training for the employees of the municipality is a good way of showing the importance of volunteering. Padova has measures in place across all the areas covered by the 5R policy priorities with the only major gap being the lack of recognition of volunteer time as in-kind contribution when considering co-financing of grants. There are systematic measures in terms of regulatory framework, and a clear policy for stakeholder engagement and support measures for excluded people. Having a councilor responsible for volunteering, gives the volunteers an important voice and keeps volunteering on the agenda, furthermore Padova shows that the municipality has a good focus on how to help volunteering organizations through ‘the municipal regulation of associations’. Working on the quality of volunteering through a register of different organizations is interesting and a good way to create a shared focus on quality between municipality and organizations. In terms of measuring the value of volunteering, Padova displays several interesting initiatives that research the importance of volunteering.